192 research outputs found

    Maximum-entropy theory of steady-state quantum transport

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    We develop a theoretical framework for describing steady-state quantum transport phenomena, based on the general maximum-entropy principle of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. The general form of the many-body density matrix is derived, which contains the invariant part of the current operator that guarantees the nonequilibrium and steady-state character of the ensemble. Several examples of the theory are given, demonstrating the relationship of the present treatment to the widely used scattering-state occupation schemes at the level of the self-consistent single-particle approximation. The latter schemes are shown not to maximize the entropy, except in certain limits

    Semantic and logical foundations of global computing: Papers from the EU-FET global computing initiative (2001–2005)

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    Overvew of the contents of the volume "Semantic and logical foundations of global computing

    Extended ML: Past, present and future

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    An overview of past, present and future work on the Extended ML formal program development framework is given, with emphasis on two topics of current active research: the semantics of the Extended ML specification language, and tools to support formal program development

    Program specification and data refinement in type theory

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    Constructive Data Refinement in Typed Lambda Calculus

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    . A new treatment of data refinement in typed lambda calculus is proposed, phrased in terms of pre-logical relations [HS99] rather than logical relations, and incorporating a constructive element. Constructive data refinement is shown to have desirable properties, and a substantial example of refinement is presented. 1 Introduction One of the activities involved in developing programs from specifications is the transformation of "abstract programs" involving types of data that are not normally available as primitive in programming languages (graphs, sets, etc.) into "concrete programs" in which a representation of these in terms of simpler types of data is provided. Apart from the change to data representation, such data refinement should have no e#ect on the results computed by the program: the concrete program should be equivalent to the abstract program in the sense that all computational observations should return the same results in both cases. The standard treatment of data refi..
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